20 Weeks Tomorrow

Tomorrow is 20 weeks since surgery. I’ve lost 78 pounds and have a mild goal of Onderland by 5 April. That would be 5 mos post surgery. It’s under two weeks away and I have less than 10 pounds to go…it may happen.

It’s time for measurements and pictures…hopefully we’ll get there this next week. I was recently chastised for the picture I have out in advertisements because it doesn’t look like me. So…I dressed appropriately and tried for a new headshot…and we went low-tech because we know there will be another round (or two)…it’s the benefit of a friend who is a photographer.

My photographer friend wasn’t thrilled with them because the wind was wholly uncooperative (It’s a Central Texas thing…). I don’t think the dress with horizontal stripes does any justice to the progress I think I’ve made…

I was looking for something for work and found a picture that was taken 9 days after surgery. I remember that – my first real outing after surgery. It was my second day back at work – I was tired and sore and I had to be at the function (that may be argued…by I felt I had to be there). I wasn’t eating anything and I was barely drinking my shakes…and I wasn’t telling anyone either – that was one of the reasons I am telling anyone who listens now. People understand you’re not eating if you just explain…

Big difference right?

I’m not afraid of selfies anymore either (I don’t always post them for everyone…but if you text and ask how I am…you’re likely to get a fresh selfie…)

I think I’ve reached my stride, too. It was a struggle to get 90+ grams of protein and balance it all out. I’ve consistently gotten more than 90 for 2 weeks following the same basic plan. I’m excited about that (I’m hoping that means my hair will stop falling out – I’m promised it’s due to nutrition…I’m getting protein and vitamins now…). I have it mapped out to where I get the 90 grams during the work day so whatever I eat for dinner is bonus – it also takes some of the pressure off super busy days. Having this plan will make it a lot easier when traveling – I’ll know what to do and it will be second nature. It took longer than I thought it should to achieve a routine with this…

Thanks for joining me on the journey. Til next time…


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